Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gums Are Turning White My Gums Turned White After The Third Day Of Using Crest Whitestrips- Is This Normal And Will It Go?

My gums turned white after the third day of using crest whitestrips- is this normal and will it go? - gums are turning white

A couple of my bubble gum turned white where my front teeth with Crest Whitestrips, but the rest is fine, just a little touchy. Will it disappear?


tidy_til... said...

Do not worry, it's normal. I personally used to whitening products and chemicals that when you touch the gums, which may leave a white border of your gums. This will disappear, depending on how your body responds and heals, which could take some time. Mine took a few hours. Make sure that when you wipe to gently remove the tape at all the gum residue thereon. Also, try to use all of two days, when the gums and teeth are too sensitive. The whitening strips are a "one size fits all" type of thing, which is obviously higher is not a perfect fit and could go to the gums around the front teeth. Perhaps you could try to cut a few strips, where it seems he has played the gum. Check to see if it works. Would not hurt. I also found a site that may be helpful. I hope that everything goes well. :)

Haley said...

Peroxide to be there. There is a break for a night

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